Public Choice Voting - She for Social Impact

Diane Allen is an ambassador for She for Social Impact and invites you to vote for the Public Choice Award.

Four women from different walks of life, from different industries and from different countries are nominated to be recognized with the Public Choice Award of the independent She For Social Impact Awards. 

What unites these female nominees is their vision to challenge the status quo and to create impact-led solutions that help achieve the 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations by 2030.

These goals were set in 2015 by all UN member states as a universal and urgent call for action to ensure that all people enjoy peace, a healthy planet and prosperity.

Chetna Sinha, Founder & Chairperson of Mann Deshi Bank and of Mann Deshi Foundation in India 

Stephanie Wehner, Professor in quantum information at QuTech, the Netherlands & Founder of cryptography conference QCRYPT 

Lisa Jaspers, Founder & CEO of FOLKDAYS, Germany

Solange Knowles, American Singer & Performance Artist, Founder of Saint Heron 

Please vote here:

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